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Profile ID: GF-52539

Gewerbegebiet Oberfeld

Location: Integrated municipality of Weser-Aue
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Types of site: Commercial area
Prices: V.B.
Available Area: 2.00 ha
Largest plot: 2.00 ha


Gewerbegebiet für Handwerk, Handel, Logistik und Speditionsgewerbe
Existing industries:
Transportgewerbe und Handwerksbetrieb in der Nachbarschaft
Local public transport link: not available
Rail access: not available
Inland waterway link: not available
Commercial airfield: not available
Heavy-duty road connection: available
24-hour approval for operations: not available
Electricity connection: does not exist but is feasible
Gas connection: not available
Industrial water connection: does not exist but is feasible
Waste water connection: does not exist but is feasible
Broadband connection: available to a limited extent
Notes on the infrastructure:
Für das Gewerbegebiet liegt noch keine innere Erschließung vor.
Die entsprechenden Kosten hierfür sind noch zu ermitteln und umzulegen.

Last update on Feb 29, 2024. - The location finder © 2024 regio gmbh