Profile ID: GF-57852

Kupfermühlenberg / Fischersteg

Location: City of Königslutter am Elm
Show location profile
Types of site: Commercial area, Mixed area
Available Area: 5.60 ha
Smallest plot: 0.00 ha
Largest plot: 0.00 ha


Dieses Gewerbegebiet liegt zentral in Königslutter am Elm und hat eine Vielfalt an Branchen vorzuweisen.
Existing industries:
Zigarrenfabrik, Photovoltaikanlage, KfZ-Werkstatt, Rettungsdienst, Fachmarktzentrum, Lebensmittelzubereiter
Local public transport link: available
Rail access: not available
Inland waterway link: not available
Commercial airfield: not available
Heavy-duty road connection: available
24-hour approval for operations: available to a limited extent
Electricity connection: does not exist but is feasible
Gas connection: does not exist but is feasible
Industrial water connection: does not exist but is feasible
Waste water connection: does not exist but is feasible
Broadband connection: does not exist but is feasible

Last update on Mar 22, 2021. - The location finder © 2024 regio gmbh