Metropolitan Region Bremen-Oldenburg, North-West Germany

Profile ID: GF-61623

Industriegebiet am Seeflughafen Nordholz/Cuxhaven

Location: Wurster Nordseeküste
Show location profile
Types of site: Industrial area
Prices: Auf Anfrage
Available Area: 65.98 ha
Largest plot: 5.00 ha


type of location: location for emission-intensive industry, classic commercial estate, special sites, location for knowledge-oriented industry and services
Existing industries:
utilities sector and waste managament business construction industry logistics industry and storage catering and hotel sector information and communication economy business-related services public administration household-related services other services mixed sector structure not specified Not known food industry textile and clothing industry other manufacturing sectors coking plant and mineral oil processing chemical and pharmaceutical industry metal production and processing manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products machinery and vehicle construction trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles wholesale retail research and development
Local public transport link: available to a limited extent
Rail access: not available
Inland waterway link: not available
Heavy-duty road connection: available
24-hour approval for operations: available to a limited extent
Electricity connection: available to a limited extent
Gas connection: available to a limited extent
Industrial water connection: available to a limited extent
Waste water connection: available to a limited extent
Broadband connection: available to a limited extent

Last update on Jan 15, 2024. - The location finder © 2024 regio gmbh