Metropolitan Region Bremen-Oldenburg, North-West Germany

Profile ID: GF-61616

Gewerbepark Dorum

Location: Wurster Nordseeküste
Show location profile
Types of site: Industrial area
Prices: Auf Anfrage
Available Area: 0.32 ha
Largest plot: 0.32 ha


Max. no.of full storeys: 2, building height: 12 m, housing facilities or apartments for works supervisors, standby personnel, business owners and managers are permitted.

type of location: location for emission-intensive industry, location for crafts and small-scale trades, classic commercial estate, location for knowledge-oriented industry and services
Existing industries:
utilities sector and waste managament business construction industry logistics industry and storage other services food industry other manufacturing sectors trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
Local public transport link: available
Rail access: not available
Inland waterway link: not available
Heavy-duty road connection: available
24-hour approval for operations: available
Electricity connection: available
Gas connection: available
Industrial water connection: available
Waste water connection: available
Broadband connection: available

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