Metropolitan Region Bremen-Oldenburg, North-West Germany

Profile ID: GF-58821

Gewerbegebiet Hollriede

Location: City of Westerstede
Show location profile
Types of site: Commercial area
Prices: VHS
Available Area: 1.75 ha
Smallest plot: 1.75 ha


Gewerbegebiet in ländlicher Lage nahezu in unmittelbarer Nähe zur Autobahnauffahrt Westerstede-West der Autobahn A28.
Existing industries:
Lagerlogistik und Möbelmontage eines Möbelhauses, Lagerlogistik einer Montagefirma für Bauelemente, Lagerlogistik eines Kamin- und Ofenbauunternehmens, benachbart ein Tiefbauunternehmen
Local public transport link: available to a limited extent
Rail access: not available
Inland waterway link: not available
Commercial airfield: not available
Heavy-duty road connection: available
Electricity connection: available
Gas connection: available
Industrial water connection: available
Waste water connection: available
Broadband connection: available
Internal designation:
BPlan 109A

Last update on Oct 23, 2023. - The location finder © 2024 regio gmbh