Profile ID: GF-40003

Gewerbegebiet Lengerich Foppenkamp/Raiffeisenstraße (commercial estate)

Location: Integrated municipality of Lengerich
Show location profile
Types of site: Commercial area
Prices: 9,50 EUR/qm
Available Area: 1.00 ha


Existing industries:
Baugeschäft, Heizung und Sanitär, Möbelbranche, Holzverarbeitung, Fliesenfachgeschäft, Schlachterei, Landmaschinen, Tischlerei, Metallbau, Transporte und Schädlingsbekämpfung
Rail access: not available
Inland waterway link: not available
Commercial airfield: not available
Electricity connection: available
Gas connection: available
Industrial water connection: available
Waste water connection: available

Last update on Oct 4, 2023.